Milwaukee scrimmage recap

20 Apr 2019 by Forrest Allen

We couldn’t have asked for better conditions today. It was a good day of racing all around. I saw some good improvements from last week. Best way to get good at racing is to race more.

Varsity boys had a clean sweep of all events, showing a strong sprint in several races.

Varsity girls had some fast races. Coming out with a win in the womens 2v8. Our standard has changed so much from last year. Be proud of how far you have come.

Novices showed some good improvements. The more you race the faster you get. You should see some big changes next week.

Results here. They are not sorted but the times are all there.

Here is some video I took of the races.

Next race is the Camp Randall Invite. The teams will be even faster than today. It’s our standard. Where do you want to be?

Coach Forrest

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