Call for Auction Items

11 Nov 2021 by Eric Selje

Interested in supporting CRRC by sharing your skills, talents or resources? Consider donating an item or two or even three to our auction.

Do you have season tickets to Badger games? Consider donating a pair.
Are you a great baker? Consider donating some baked goods.
Do you own a canoe? Consider donating the use of it for a day.
Don’t mind getting up early? How about taking somebody to the airport.
Own a cottage? Donate a short get-away.
Own a business? Know someone who does? Perhaps they could offer something!

The list of options is endless AND if you need help coming up with an idea that is unique to you, the auction team is happy to help

Our community is so rich with so much to offer, and together we can have some fun, donate a fun item or two, and help CRRC in building its valuable program.

Contact the Fundraising Committee ( with your ideas and offers. If you’ve got something, send a photo, description, and approx. value. Thanks!

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